Thursday, June 28, 2012

Spider-Man Eats Free at Carl's Jr.on 4th of July (light the fireworks!)

4 scores and a couple days from now will be the 4th of July! That means fireworks, cook outs, and Spiderman! He’s patriotic . . . red white and blue. . .  red and blue suit, white bug eyes. . . count it! So if your to lazy to cook for yourself and was already working on your Spiderman cosplay suit for comic-com, head over to Carl’s Jr. and get yourself a FREE GRILLED CHEESE BACON BUGER!!! But don’t go in there with a mask on, they will spray you with raid regardless of how friendly of a neighborhood Spiderman you are. . . and I know how you like to get all friendly with all the sexy ladies!!! Oooohhh child! (snaps fingers)