Monday, July 2, 2012

real life Hot Wheels Double Dare Loop track set! @ X-games LA 2012

So its been a big weekend of cool things happening in SoCal. This past weekend along, there was Anime Expo which is always a wasabi flavored fun time. But also it was the weekend of the X-games. Usually action sports are not considered to be a geeky thing but what if I tell you there was a giant Hot Wheels DOUBLE LOOP PLAYSET!!!!! This was nothing short of a crazy stupid @$$ stunt, but damn it it's awesome!

other crazy HOT WHEELS stunts here. . .
haha ok well that's smoke and mirrors and hollywood sfx but still cool!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

EMO CAT EAR!! Oh japan, you have weird stuff! (my day @ Anime Expo 2012)

So this weekend I was at the Los Anegeles Anime Expo 2012, dorking out and having a nerdgasm overload. Between all the hot cosplay girls dressed up like anime babes, so many vendors that sells pretty much anything you could want and never find in any location outside the all mighty internet (like hand made cat paw gloves. . . its for a friend, really! It is! The damper wooden mustache however is mine, I’m a classy guy! ) 
Paw Glove hand warmer thing. . .  from  Paw Star
Wooden Mustache from  Geek Chic 
But the one thing I have been seeing all over this expo was these white cat ears that seem to be moving and twitching on peoples heads. .  . comes to find out is this thing called necomimi cat ears that communicates your emotions though the use of feline ear gestures . . . 

  I find it already hard enough to figure out what’s going on in the heads of girls as is, now your just pissing me off by toying with me wearing cute cat ears! There are many more options to come when this item hits the market, and if I was to judge the popularity of this item on the overwhelming appreciation of these emo-cat ears these there are going to be a lot more cat girl cosplayer in the future. . .  hopefully in bikinis . . .  just say. . .