Monday, July 2, 2012

real life Hot Wheels Double Dare Loop track set! @ X-games LA 2012

So its been a big weekend of cool things happening in SoCal. This past weekend along, there was Anime Expo which is always a wasabi flavored fun time. But also it was the weekend of the X-games. Usually action sports are not considered to be a geeky thing but what if I tell you there was a giant Hot Wheels DOUBLE LOOP PLAYSET!!!!! This was nothing short of a crazy stupid @$$ stunt, but damn it it's awesome!

other crazy HOT WHEELS stunts here. . .
haha ok well that's smoke and mirrors and hollywood sfx but still cool!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

EMO CAT EAR!! Oh japan, you have weird stuff! (my day @ Anime Expo 2012)

So this weekend I was at the Los Anegeles Anime Expo 2012, dorking out and having a nerdgasm overload. Between all the hot cosplay girls dressed up like anime babes, so many vendors that sells pretty much anything you could want and never find in any location outside the all mighty internet (like hand made cat paw gloves. . . its for a friend, really! It is! The damper wooden mustache however is mine, I’m a classy guy! ) 
Paw Glove hand warmer thing. . .  from  Paw Star
Wooden Mustache from  Geek Chic 
But the one thing I have been seeing all over this expo was these white cat ears that seem to be moving and twitching on peoples heads. .  . comes to find out is this thing called necomimi cat ears that communicates your emotions though the use of feline ear gestures . . . 

  I find it already hard enough to figure out what’s going on in the heads of girls as is, now your just pissing me off by toying with me wearing cute cat ears! There are many more options to come when this item hits the market, and if I was to judge the popularity of this item on the overwhelming appreciation of these emo-cat ears these there are going to be a lot more cat girl cosplayer in the future. . .  hopefully in bikinis . . .  just say. . .  

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Spider-Man Eats Free at Carl's Jr.on 4th of July (light the fireworks!)

4 scores and a couple days from now will be the 4th of July! That means fireworks, cook outs, and Spiderman! He’s patriotic . . . red white and blue. . .  red and blue suit, white bug eyes. . . count it! So if your to lazy to cook for yourself and was already working on your Spiderman cosplay suit for comic-com, head over to Carl’s Jr. and get yourself a FREE GRILLED CHEESE BACON BUGER!!! But don’t go in there with a mask on, they will spray you with raid regardless of how friendly of a neighborhood Spiderman you are. . . and I know how you like to get all friendly with all the sexy ladies!!! Oooohhh child! (snaps fingers)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

One small step for man, one giant leap into the future!! (with The Leap controller)

have you ever watched any of the iron man movies and saw tony stark messing with his computer with that pull and push/drang and toss hand gesture control hologram display thing, and said to your self, O-M-G that would be so call to use and browse Facebook with! OK well maybe not Facebook but at least play anger birds right! well let me introduce to you The Leap controller from Leap Motion! It's a PC/Mac motion sensing controller that is an alternative for the mouse and track pad, that allows you interact with your computer in an exciting and innovative way. check out the video below and see how frigging awesome-tastic this thing is! pre-order for this bad boy is around $76 bucks, with shipment to be estimated at December 2012 to early 2013 (i know just in time fore the world to end.) i am still questioning whether or not to pre-order myself but if you have the money and want to be as cool as tony stark, then leap into their site and give them your money. . .  while your there buy me one too! thanks :P

short intro video
6min demo video
another demo video

Sunday, May 13, 2012

previews of the Uprising, free the GRID!! TRON: Uprising ep1 preview,


And just to get everything all hyped up and started, Disney's XD previewed ep.1 of there new series exploring in the depths othe Tron storyline. this 30 min. preview showcases a young program on his journey to become the new tron and security program of the grid.lil spoiler alert, this kinda gives you an idea of trons actions in the movie. Overall I'm game and set to watch the series unfold and continue this epic digital conflict. (eeeecckkkkkk. . . . that's giggling like a small Japanese school girl. . .  what can I say I'm a fan of the story and world of Tron.)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

animation: OMG! Diablo III: Wrath (animated short)


Ok, so I come across this animated tale of good vs evil the other day and was so amazed by the quality and pure epicness of it all it really made me want to play Diablo by Blizzard Ent. However,I'm really not in to that kind of games. What can I can, I'm a simple guy give me Street Fighter or any figthing game and I'm good. Its cool to see players play this MMOs RPG's, but I usually fine it boring to play myself. I'd rather just watch the story unfold. For those that play and have seen the "It's not Safe" TV ad's you know how epic this game  is. For those like me who can really care less but love to watch great animation feast your eyes on this battle of angels and devils! 
(kick @$$ image of Imperius Archangel of Valor " . . . THERE ONLY BE BLOOD FOR BLOOD!")

" Blizzard Entertainment teamed up with renowned director Peter Chung and acclaimed animation studio Titmouse to create this unique vision of a fundamental moment in the battle between the High Heavens and the Burning Hells." off Diablo's channel on YouTube.

Diablo III: Wrath (animated short)

 Diablo III: "It's Not Safe" TV spot

Thursday, May 3, 2012

amazing. . . the new Spider-Man movie looks pretty damn interesting!

Well with all the hype and "RE". . .  RE-vamps, RE-do's, RE-launches of  comics to movies. . . Spider-Man looks like it might actually make me forget about the last one with the musical monologues and all that other cr@p! I will admit the 1st teaser I saw back when I watch Captain America, I was not that impress and was a little piss in fear that this new spider-man movie was going to be another origin re-telling. But I guess like most geeks I jump the gun and started to rave and rage about all the cr@p Hollywood is doing to F@#% with my beloved comic stories. . .  well to set the record straight I did some homework, and by homework I mean read the plot on

"Peter Parker (Garfield) is an outcast high schooler who was abandoned by his parents as a boy, leaving him to be raised by his Uncle Ben (Sheen) and Aunt May (Field). Like most teenagers, Peter is trying to figure out who he is and how he got to be the person he is today. Peter is also finding his way with his first high school crush, Gwen Stacy (Stone), and together, they struggle with love, commitment, and secrets. As Peter discovers a mysterious briefcase that belonged to his father, he begins a quest to understand his parents' disappearance - leading him directly to Oscorp and the lab of Dr. Curt Connors (Ifans), his father's former partner. As Spider-Man is set on a collision course with Connors' alter-ego, The Lizard, Peter will make life-altering choices to use his powers and shape his destiny to become a hero."

OK. . . When its out I'll watch it. . . now back to the hype of The Avengers". . .  WOOT!! HULK SMASH!