Tuesday, May 22, 2012

One small step for man, one giant leap into the future!! (with The Leap controller)

have you ever watched any of the iron man movies and saw tony stark messing with his computer with that pull and push/drang and toss hand gesture control hologram display thing, and said to your self, O-M-G that would be so call to use and browse Facebook with! OK well maybe not Facebook but at least play anger birds right! well let me introduce to you The Leap controller from Leap Motion! It's a PC/Mac motion sensing controller that is an alternative for the mouse and track pad, that allows you interact with your computer in an exciting and innovative way. check out the video below and see how frigging awesome-tastic this thing is! pre-order for this bad boy is around $76 bucks, with shipment to be estimated at December 2012 to early 2013 (i know just in time fore the world to end.) i am still questioning whether or not to pre-order myself but if you have the money and want to be as cool as tony stark, then leap into their site and give them your money. . .  while your there buy me one too! thanks :P

short intro video
6min demo video
another demo video

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