Thursday, April 26, 2012

never "LEGO" of your childhood!

Hahaha, see what I did there. . . little play on words. . . I use "LEGO" the beloved children's toy brand instead of Let go. . .  Ha! BEAR-e funny right . . .  right! Hahaha, ok sorry. . . back to business.

once upon a time in the internet, there was a random image floating around of a Lego set featuring the Winchester Bar zombie attack scene from "Shuan of the DEAD!" This made me proclaim to the heavens above. . . "THIS IS AWESOME!!" The set was a prototype created by Pixel Fox and Yatkuu.

Well, Pixel Fox and Yatkuu did manage to get LEGO's attention and formally submitted their prototype play set for consideration to make it an Official set. Which would of been totally friggin' AWESOME to the 10th power. Unfortunately LEGO didn't see it that way as they were concern with the content of the movie not suitable or appropriate to their core audience of kids ages 6-11.

OK, the movie "Shuan of the DEAD" is violent, bloody, and shows zombies killing and eating people. . . but Star Wars, which by the way has some great LEGO set also (little pricey for my taste), has violence with laser blasters, light sabers, chopping off heads and hands, and annihilation planets from the universe. That's got to be as bad as the dead eating people right?

In related LEGO/Zombie news, Lego is releasing a new play set this summer  (June 2012) name Monster Fighters with has a number of different assortments including (you guessed it) Zombies! LEGO's Monster Fighters set-The Zombies

I don't think that this play set had anything to do with the "shot down" proposal of the Winchester Bar Set from the movie, but it is a little funny to me. As for the targeted core audience, I'm pretty sure a lot of the Star Wars play sets are bought by people much older then 11yr. Either way it the Winchester Bar zombie attack scene from "Shuan of the DEAD!" is an impressive set regardless if it's official or not.

Below are pics of the set. . . check it out, (cause sadly this set will never be. . .)

(Side note. . . I love the Lego hand in the logo of the movie! Ha-ha!)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Revenge of the sith again!! But animated, and in a subway

Be nice to old people in the subway, trolley, or bus... Hell any public transportation... They maybe sith lords!

One of the coolest things I've seen today... And the day just started too!! Muahahaha!!! Light Sabers are fun! :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tron: Uprising! (Me so exccited!!! ^_^)

As a fan of Tron the Grid has always been a sci-fi place of wonder to me, as enchanted forest are for geeks that like D&D and Pathfinder (and there is a different to D&D and Pathfinder. . .  I just don't know what it is since I like spending my time in the Grid).

Some quick cliff notes:
The grid is a digital world/operation system populated by humanoid beings known as programs created by users (us in our world). one of those programs was Tron. He is more or less a legendary program that fought to keep the Grid safe for programs. in Tron: Legacy we find that Tron was defeated.

OK, back to why I'm so excited . . . it’s a bit of a prequel thing but I’ll allow it since I do like seeing more Tron content (seriously lacking in my option). This June on Disney's XD will have a brand new animated series exploring the Grid with TRON: UPRISING! Woot!!! This series will explain a little more on Tron's back-story as well has how he was defeated, how that effected the Grid, who take up the mantel of protecting the Gird when Tron falls, and show the rebellion to reprogram their existent. "Before the Legecy, there was an Uprising!"



Monday, April 16, 2012

Tupac- Ghost in the Shell - thug life remix!

THIS IS AMAZING!!! It like “obi-wan Kenobi, your our only hope!” but more gangsta rap! Pour some for the homies, but don’t pour it on the holographic machine. . . that’s gonna be a bad look G!

Tupac's digital ghost performing at the Coachella music festival over the weekend


Friday, April 13, 2012

Zombie survival 101: know your area!

What if there was a zombie attack tomorrow, or in the next few hours? Are you prepared? Would you know what to do, or at least where to go? Well if you don't, have no fear. . . Non zombified Griz-geek is here to help! No, not with a shotgun. . . That's mine! And so is the food nd water! Nope, what I have for you is information! On where you are and where key places of interest are near you with this handily "MAP OF HE DEAD"!( Hahaha, ok so it's more like a re-skinned google map site, but check it, if you put in your location you it will tell ya all kinds of helpful stuff. Like the closest food place, gun shop, and even the cemetery (during zombie attacks, I think your suppose to avoid that place . . And hospitals! It's in the movies.) fun little site to go to and plan your escape to the mountains.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Is Catwoman cosplaying as Anne Hathaway?

Here are a few images of Anne Hathaway as Catwoman from the other super hyped up movie of this year (other then The Avengers), Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises that has been going around online today. Personally I like Anne Hathaway, O-m-G is she a hottie of sweetness, which is not the 1st thing that comes to mind when I see or think of Catwoman, ( its more like MmeeOoowww!! Ggrrrr baby Ggrrrr!) Ms. Hathaway looks more likes he is in a sexy halloween's custom in this shots rather then in Catwoman's suit. Just sayin' ... She's still pretty hot thou. Ain't mad at that @$$!!

Avengers, assemble. . . To take down another insurance claim!

Okay, we'll 1st off, I love commercials . . . I would rather work commercials these days nice there are a higher chance of me getting pure entertainment then on the shows most media chanelles at plugging. I didn't even know the kardashien show is this on. And why are there so many storage octchon shows? Have we really gotten so bored with developing stories that we prefer watching a collection of YouTube videos in a 30 min show? Really? Anyways that's a topic for another time. I just saw this commercial from Farmers Insurance with a Mavel's "The Avengers" movie tie in. . . Ok, out side from the obvious queation of why? This is pretty funny to me. I think it would of worked better if it was an X-men movie. . . As the video start with the sign of University of Farmers thing. But whatever. Still funny. . . 

Okay so what does the new Avengers movie have to do with farmers insurance??

HULK SMASH!! (ooh yea, that's right. . . )

Cap. Ace. . . "Damnit Hulk. . . well I ain't covering this my premiums are high enough!"

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

text, text, AAAHH BEAR!!!

In not that uncommon that wildlife decides to play us city folks a visit, but i don't think anyone was expecting a bear to drop on by to say "hell, friend!" more like "mmmmm you look tasty!" Well some unsuspecting person on his cell texting away apparently didn't get the bear's voice mail and was shocked (scared sh!tless) by the sight of this GIANT BEAST in front of him coming out of no where. All I'm saying is those newscasters in the safety of the their helicopter would probably be sh!ting bricks too if they were in front of a Bear, then again i laugh my ass off too so. . .  watch the video and join me in the laughing of scared people "when bears become ninjas and attack you on the streets", on Tru TV(not really on Tru TV . . . )

Also. . .  lesson learn. .  texting while walking will result to bear encounters! you have been warned!

Monday, April 9, 2012

\m/ SLAYER WINE \m/ - Classically Brutal!

I present to you, (heavy metal guitars ripping)
"Reign In Blood is a powerful dark buoyancy with spicy fattoner for a heavy and intense thrash metal feeling and works great with grilled meat and game." (quoted from
This brutal assault to your refined palate will have your tongue dancing around your mouth like it was in a mosh pit throwing elbows to the faces of those not metal enough to raise hell just to use the flames of the burning damn to cook up some BBQ... Mmmmm, Seal in the flavor with those lost and damn souls!

(Random facts)

From the 2nd of April you can order it in case of 6 from Systembolaget in Sweden. Order your Slayer wine here
Name: Slayer Reign in Blood Red Cabernet Sauvignon
Vintage: 2010
Product Code: 74527-09 (can only be ordered in case of 6)
Origin: California, USA
Type of wine: Red wine
Price sek: per bottle sek 119.00 (that's about 20 bucks a bottle)
Volume: 750 ml
Alcohol: 12,5%

O-M-G! anime nerdgasm from the late 80's. (Akira's Bike!)

In every geek's life there are a few things that are held as major turning points in their existence. For some it’s star wars, for others it's Pokemon cards and toys. for me there were 3 things that was introduce to me in the early 90's that forever shaped my views on anime and locked in the love of this genre in my big bear geeky heart. Those were, dragon ball (not just Z but all of it!), Ghost in the Shell (still my top favorite anime story lines), and Akira . . . so to my surprise when I saw these series of photos of Akira Bike masterfully replicated and functional. Instantly I wanted it! Red jump suit and all, size XXL please! This is quite far the coolest thing I’ve seen in a while. until I see that Tron Lightcycle again (Black and Orange!) 

Oh and if your curious on how much the owner of this awesomely cool-tastic bike cost. . . Masashi Teshima from Fukuoka, Japan spent seven years and ¥10 million (US$121,000) to make his anime cyberpunk dream motorcycle. Money well spent, good sir! So remember kids, anything is possible with some time, hard work, tons of disposable income, and thinking like an obsessed Japanese man. Dreams do come true.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Griz liked the movie trailer TED. . . cuz magical teddy bears do grow up! (thumbs up)

This movie looks hilarious! Who knew magical bears can be this bad ass and pimpin'! Grrr baby! GGRrrrr. . .  hahaha its like a movie about me! Ok, no not really! i don't sound like that guy from family guy. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Fan Flicks, I don't remember the video games like that?

This is one of the weirdest things I've seen today. . .  PAC-MAN: The Movie! Hahaha. it's a fan film but the special effect are pretty damn good! its like tron legacy, less Flynn and more PAC-MAN thou!?! 

It's far fetch and unrealistically cheesy, but its better then the Mega-Man fan flick. . .  just saying!

Both impressive in their own right. I like shiny bright lights! [O_O]

"Mmmm, cherries!"


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Black Widow's avenging interrogation technique?!?

In motha' Russia, musical chairs plays you! As seen and demonstrated by Black Widow (played by Scarlett Johansson) in the much hyped up and anticipated blockbuster this year, The Avengers! Beware of red head Russian assassin/ secret agent's with chairs. . . They are definitely more dangerous then bears! But don't piss bears off either, just to be on the safe side, their not very nice when aggravated. . .

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Kinect going, solo, han solo, han solo. . . ain't no holo-gram girl?!

Just when we geeks thought it was safe to start liking "Star Wars" openly again without any backlash of over marketing and selling out the dreams of nerds around the world, there is a disturbance in the force! What's with all the ruckous?? these videos below. . . XBox's Dance game with Kinect featuring Star Wars. Ok, a little over the top, and to be honest I friggin' love this sh!t!! Hahaha its so bad and tacky you have to just take it with a grain of salt. its cheeky, fun play for all ages!

 Hahaha! "ooh, that's my ship, that's my ship!! ooohh that's my ship, that's my ship, a few times I've been around this track, and like that i'm gone lightning fast, 'cause i ain't no hologram girl!"

Monday, April 2, 2012

rainbow dash is a pony, rainbow blast is what this girl does!

HAHAHA! BOOM BOOM BOOM! making it rain bows! fo'sho!

Girls and guns. . . can't really explain it, its just one of those guys things that is hard wired into our brains!

And now a moment of silence for the many fishes and frogs that were lost in the great rainbow massacre.

Anything you can do, I can do also. DC vs. Marvel

In the last few months, weeks, and even days. . . the Bloods and the Crips of the comic world are brutally battling each for our nerdy short attention span. DC Comics and Marvel Comics are at it again. Matching each other pound for pound. Just last month DC started their new animation block on cartoon network called DC nation, featuring two 30min shows (Green Lantern Animated and Young Justice) with a line up of animated shorts showcasing lots of DC's characters (like Plastic Man). Which as a fan of comics and animation is friggin' awesome! Fast forward to this weekend Marvel, almost as an act of retaliation came out with their own animation block on Disney’s XD channel (without a cool time slot name) featuring their new cartoon “Ultimate Spider Man” along with the second season of The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes. . . with some animated shorts also. Well played Marvel! This is just one battle in the war between giants. As each of these company are still gearing up their comic titles and shipping out new issues for us to enjoy, DC continues their comic frontline with their “New 52” line up switching out books here and there, and Marvel sets up with a few heavy hitters of their own with “The Avengers’ movie out in theaters in May, and AvX (Avengers Vs. X-Men) about to ship this week. Who will win this rumble to rule the comic market? I say we do, the fans! Let’s all sit back, relax and enjoy the show. Pacific Standard Time . . . 

And if you are wondering when to tune in . . .DC Nation airs on Cartoon Network on Saturday mornings, Marvel’s animation Block airs on Disney’s XD channel on Sundays. So you can get all the geeky cartoons in own weekend! Score! 


Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sexy time. . . Geek fantasies are invading our reality.

Cosplay is becoming more and more popular and has grown in fan service allow many of us geeks to see what the girls from games,comics, and anime could or would look like in our reality. Prepare for nerd-gasms as it may overload your systems. Feature today is cosplayer hottie Yaya Han, who just recently made a new fan page devoted to her assets. Yaya is yummy . . . Sorry I had to do it :)

Check out her page! It's sexy time all the time meow. (<- this is just an apirl fools page from Yaya Han so it will go down at midnight tonight, check it out while you can, but if you want long term Yaya's. . . DeviantArt page is link below :)

Dark Edges of Metropolis. New Superman Movie logo

Though the movie is simply called"Man of Steel", this reboot of Superman has all the signature styling we come to expect of Director, Zack Snyder. Just look at how dark that steel is! Plus all the extra textures and swooshes inside the "S". Wow, that's just super! Put a line in the middle of that logo, 'cuz its money baby! Yeah! And so you know they are serious... Lens flair! BOOM that just happen, in fast to slow motion.

Where in the 8-bit am I?

What’s crack-a-lakin’ my internet peoples! Welcome to Griz-Geek! But more importantly, happy APRIL FOOL’S DAY! A glorious time of the year where people go buck booty @$$ wild pranking each other like silly little school boys for no good raisin… I mean reason. (Sorry I had a P.J Fry moment). Bear paw points if you know the reference! (No actual point will be awarded. . .  Ha-ha! April Fool's you! muahahaha!)

Let’s see what the all mighty Google has in store for us on this fine day of foolery.