Tuesday, April 10, 2012

text, text, AAAHH BEAR!!!

In not that uncommon that wildlife decides to play us city folks a visit, but i don't think anyone was expecting a bear to drop on by to say "hell, friend!" more like "mmmmm you look tasty!" Well some unsuspecting person on his cell texting away apparently didn't get the bear's voice mail and was shocked (scared sh!tless) by the sight of this GIANT BEAST in front of him coming out of no where. All I'm saying is those newscasters in the safety of the their helicopter would probably be sh!ting bricks too if they were in front of a Bear, then again i laugh my ass off too so. . .  watch the video and join me in the laughing of scared people "when bears become ninjas and attack you on the streets", on Tru TV(not really on Tru TV . . . )

Also. . .  lesson learn. .  texting while walking will result to bear encounters! you have been warned!

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