Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Avengers, assemble. . . To take down another insurance claim!

Okay, we'll 1st off, I love commercials . . . I would rather work commercials these days nice there are a higher chance of me getting pure entertainment then on the shows most media chanelles at plugging. I didn't even know the kardashien show is this on. And why are there so many storage octchon shows? Have we really gotten so bored with developing stories that we prefer watching a collection of YouTube videos in a 30 min show? Really? Anyways that's a topic for another time. I just saw this commercial from Farmers Insurance with a Mavel's "The Avengers" movie tie in. . . Ok, out side from the obvious queation of why? This is pretty funny to me. I think it would of worked better if it was an X-men movie. . . As the video start with the sign of University of Farmers thing. But whatever. Still funny. . . 

Okay so what does the new Avengers movie have to do with farmers insurance??

HULK SMASH!! (ooh yea, that's right. . . )

Cap. Ace. . . "Damnit Hulk. . . well I ain't covering this my premiums are high enough!"

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