Thursday, April 26, 2012

never "LEGO" of your childhood!

Hahaha, see what I did there. . . little play on words. . . I use "LEGO" the beloved children's toy brand instead of Let go. . .  Ha! BEAR-e funny right . . .  right! Hahaha, ok sorry. . . back to business.

once upon a time in the internet, there was a random image floating around of a Lego set featuring the Winchester Bar zombie attack scene from "Shuan of the DEAD!" This made me proclaim to the heavens above. . . "THIS IS AWESOME!!" The set was a prototype created by Pixel Fox and Yatkuu.

Well, Pixel Fox and Yatkuu did manage to get LEGO's attention and formally submitted their prototype play set for consideration to make it an Official set. Which would of been totally friggin' AWESOME to the 10th power. Unfortunately LEGO didn't see it that way as they were concern with the content of the movie not suitable or appropriate to their core audience of kids ages 6-11.

OK, the movie "Shuan of the DEAD" is violent, bloody, and shows zombies killing and eating people. . . but Star Wars, which by the way has some great LEGO set also (little pricey for my taste), has violence with laser blasters, light sabers, chopping off heads and hands, and annihilation planets from the universe. That's got to be as bad as the dead eating people right?

In related LEGO/Zombie news, Lego is releasing a new play set this summer  (June 2012) name Monster Fighters with has a number of different assortments including (you guessed it) Zombies! LEGO's Monster Fighters set-The Zombies

I don't think that this play set had anything to do with the "shot down" proposal of the Winchester Bar Set from the movie, but it is a little funny to me. As for the targeted core audience, I'm pretty sure a lot of the Star Wars play sets are bought by people much older then 11yr. Either way it the Winchester Bar zombie attack scene from "Shuan of the DEAD!" is an impressive set regardless if it's official or not.

Below are pics of the set. . . check it out, (cause sadly this set will never be. . .)

(Side note. . . I love the Lego hand in the logo of the movie! Ha-ha!)

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