Monday, April 9, 2012

O-M-G! anime nerdgasm from the late 80's. (Akira's Bike!)

In every geek's life there are a few things that are held as major turning points in their existence. For some it’s star wars, for others it's Pokemon cards and toys. for me there were 3 things that was introduce to me in the early 90's that forever shaped my views on anime and locked in the love of this genre in my big bear geeky heart. Those were, dragon ball (not just Z but all of it!), Ghost in the Shell (still my top favorite anime story lines), and Akira . . . so to my surprise when I saw these series of photos of Akira Bike masterfully replicated and functional. Instantly I wanted it! Red jump suit and all, size XXL please! This is quite far the coolest thing I’ve seen in a while. until I see that Tron Lightcycle again (Black and Orange!) 

Oh and if your curious on how much the owner of this awesomely cool-tastic bike cost. . . Masashi Teshima from Fukuoka, Japan spent seven years and ¥10 million (US$121,000) to make his anime cyberpunk dream motorcycle. Money well spent, good sir! So remember kids, anything is possible with some time, hard work, tons of disposable income, and thinking like an obsessed Japanese man. Dreams do come true.

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