Friday, April 13, 2012

Zombie survival 101: know your area!

What if there was a zombie attack tomorrow, or in the next few hours? Are you prepared? Would you know what to do, or at least where to go? Well if you don't, have no fear. . . Non zombified Griz-geek is here to help! No, not with a shotgun. . . That's mine! And so is the food nd water! Nope, what I have for you is information! On where you are and where key places of interest are near you with this handily "MAP OF HE DEAD"!( Hahaha, ok so it's more like a re-skinned google map site, but check it, if you put in your location you it will tell ya all kinds of helpful stuff. Like the closest food place, gun shop, and even the cemetery (during zombie attacks, I think your suppose to avoid that place . . And hospitals! It's in the movies.) fun little site to go to and plan your escape to the mountains.

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