Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tron: Uprising! (Me so exccited!!! ^_^)

As a fan of Tron the Grid has always been a sci-fi place of wonder to me, as enchanted forest are for geeks that like D&D and Pathfinder (and there is a different to D&D and Pathfinder. . .  I just don't know what it is since I like spending my time in the Grid).

Some quick cliff notes:
The grid is a digital world/operation system populated by humanoid beings known as programs created by users (us in our world). one of those programs was Tron. He is more or less a legendary program that fought to keep the Grid safe for programs. in Tron: Legacy we find that Tron was defeated.

OK, back to why I'm so excited . . . it’s a bit of a prequel thing but I’ll allow it since I do like seeing more Tron content (seriously lacking in my option). This June on Disney's XD will have a brand new animated series exploring the Grid with TRON: UPRISING! Woot!!! This series will explain a little more on Tron's back-story as well has how he was defeated, how that effected the Grid, who take up the mantel of protecting the Gird when Tron falls, and show the rebellion to reprogram their existent. "Before the Legecy, there was an Uprising!"



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