Monday, July 2, 2012

real life Hot Wheels Double Dare Loop track set! @ X-games LA 2012

So its been a big weekend of cool things happening in SoCal. This past weekend along, there was Anime Expo which is always a wasabi flavored fun time. But also it was the weekend of the X-games. Usually action sports are not considered to be a geeky thing but what if I tell you there was a giant Hot Wheels DOUBLE LOOP PLAYSET!!!!! This was nothing short of a crazy stupid @$$ stunt, but damn it it's awesome!

other crazy HOT WHEELS stunts here. . .
haha ok well that's smoke and mirrors and hollywood sfx but still cool!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

EMO CAT EAR!! Oh japan, you have weird stuff! (my day @ Anime Expo 2012)

So this weekend I was at the Los Anegeles Anime Expo 2012, dorking out and having a nerdgasm overload. Between all the hot cosplay girls dressed up like anime babes, so many vendors that sells pretty much anything you could want and never find in any location outside the all mighty internet (like hand made cat paw gloves. . . its for a friend, really! It is! The damper wooden mustache however is mine, I’m a classy guy! ) 
Paw Glove hand warmer thing. . .  from  Paw Star
Wooden Mustache from  Geek Chic 
But the one thing I have been seeing all over this expo was these white cat ears that seem to be moving and twitching on peoples heads. .  . comes to find out is this thing called necomimi cat ears that communicates your emotions though the use of feline ear gestures . . . 

  I find it already hard enough to figure out what’s going on in the heads of girls as is, now your just pissing me off by toying with me wearing cute cat ears! There are many more options to come when this item hits the market, and if I was to judge the popularity of this item on the overwhelming appreciation of these emo-cat ears these there are going to be a lot more cat girl cosplayer in the future. . .  hopefully in bikinis . . .  just say. . .  

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Spider-Man Eats Free at Carl's Jr.on 4th of July (light the fireworks!)

4 scores and a couple days from now will be the 4th of July! That means fireworks, cook outs, and Spiderman! He’s patriotic . . . red white and blue. . .  red and blue suit, white bug eyes. . . count it! So if your to lazy to cook for yourself and was already working on your Spiderman cosplay suit for comic-com, head over to Carl’s Jr. and get yourself a FREE GRILLED CHEESE BACON BUGER!!! But don’t go in there with a mask on, they will spray you with raid regardless of how friendly of a neighborhood Spiderman you are. . . and I know how you like to get all friendly with all the sexy ladies!!! Oooohhh child! (snaps fingers)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

One small step for man, one giant leap into the future!! (with The Leap controller)

have you ever watched any of the iron man movies and saw tony stark messing with his computer with that pull and push/drang and toss hand gesture control hologram display thing, and said to your self, O-M-G that would be so call to use and browse Facebook with! OK well maybe not Facebook but at least play anger birds right! well let me introduce to you The Leap controller from Leap Motion! It's a PC/Mac motion sensing controller that is an alternative for the mouse and track pad, that allows you interact with your computer in an exciting and innovative way. check out the video below and see how frigging awesome-tastic this thing is! pre-order for this bad boy is around $76 bucks, with shipment to be estimated at December 2012 to early 2013 (i know just in time fore the world to end.) i am still questioning whether or not to pre-order myself but if you have the money and want to be as cool as tony stark, then leap into their site and give them your money. . .  while your there buy me one too! thanks :P

short intro video
6min demo video
another demo video

Sunday, May 13, 2012

previews of the Uprising, free the GRID!! TRON: Uprising ep1 preview,


And just to get everything all hyped up and started, Disney's XD previewed ep.1 of there new series exploring in the depths othe Tron storyline. this 30 min. preview showcases a young program on his journey to become the new tron and security program of the grid.lil spoiler alert, this kinda gives you an idea of trons actions in the movie. Overall I'm game and set to watch the series unfold and continue this epic digital conflict. (eeeecckkkkkk. . . . that's giggling like a small Japanese school girl. . .  what can I say I'm a fan of the story and world of Tron.)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

animation: OMG! Diablo III: Wrath (animated short)


Ok, so I come across this animated tale of good vs evil the other day and was so amazed by the quality and pure epicness of it all it really made me want to play Diablo by Blizzard Ent. However,I'm really not in to that kind of games. What can I can, I'm a simple guy give me Street Fighter or any figthing game and I'm good. Its cool to see players play this MMOs RPG's, but I usually fine it boring to play myself. I'd rather just watch the story unfold. For those that play and have seen the "It's not Safe" TV ad's you know how epic this game  is. For those like me who can really care less but love to watch great animation feast your eyes on this battle of angels and devils! 
(kick @$$ image of Imperius Archangel of Valor " . . . THERE ONLY BE BLOOD FOR BLOOD!")

" Blizzard Entertainment teamed up with renowned director Peter Chung and acclaimed animation studio Titmouse to create this unique vision of a fundamental moment in the battle between the High Heavens and the Burning Hells." off Diablo's channel on YouTube.

Diablo III: Wrath (animated short)

 Diablo III: "It's Not Safe" TV spot

Thursday, May 3, 2012

amazing. . . the new Spider-Man movie looks pretty damn interesting!

Well with all the hype and "RE". . .  RE-vamps, RE-do's, RE-launches of  comics to movies. . . Spider-Man looks like it might actually make me forget about the last one with the musical monologues and all that other cr@p! I will admit the 1st teaser I saw back when I watch Captain America, I was not that impress and was a little piss in fear that this new spider-man movie was going to be another origin re-telling. But I guess like most geeks I jump the gun and started to rave and rage about all the cr@p Hollywood is doing to F@#% with my beloved comic stories. . .  well to set the record straight I did some homework, and by homework I mean read the plot on

"Peter Parker (Garfield) is an outcast high schooler who was abandoned by his parents as a boy, leaving him to be raised by his Uncle Ben (Sheen) and Aunt May (Field). Like most teenagers, Peter is trying to figure out who he is and how he got to be the person he is today. Peter is also finding his way with his first high school crush, Gwen Stacy (Stone), and together, they struggle with love, commitment, and secrets. As Peter discovers a mysterious briefcase that belonged to his father, he begins a quest to understand his parents' disappearance - leading him directly to Oscorp and the lab of Dr. Curt Connors (Ifans), his father's former partner. As Spider-Man is set on a collision course with Connors' alter-ego, The Lizard, Peter will make life-altering choices to use his powers and shape his destiny to become a hero."

OK. . . When its out I'll watch it. . . now back to the hype of The Avengers". . .  WOOT!! HULK SMASH!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

"I covet only 1 thing, honor and victory!" wait that 2 things? trailer to "Knights of Badassdom"

Hahaha!!geek adventures gone awry!!!! Why is this the 1st time I heard of this movie!!! WHY I SAY, WHY!!! Granted, I don't "LARP" but i toss the dice once in a blue moon. I have a preference for monks and lawful neutral with a side of bad-ass fury of fist to the faces of my foes! MUAHAHA! 

Anyways. "Knights of Badassdom", a geeky driven movie that looks to entertain the dorky side of the force in you. . . check out it. though a theatrical release date has yet to be announce. will update that when i find out, cause well this looks funny and i wanna see it too! :P (

Basis plot: A group of live action roleplayers accidentally summon a succubus demon from the Hell (muahahahaha) and must deal with the consequences. Time to summon thy valor!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

soon the Uprising will begin: another Tron: uprising trailer!

As I posted before, the continuation of the Tron story line will be televised on Disney's XD with their new animate series Tron: Uprising! Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm pretty excited by that. . . also this series will have notable voices by  Elijah Wood (who plays Beck a young program that is train by Tron to help protect the Gird) and  Mandy Moore (as Mara Beck's friend and co-worker in the "garage" where they make the vehicles). Anyways enjoy this 2nd trailer as I have!. . .

Thursday, April 26, 2012

never "LEGO" of your childhood!

Hahaha, see what I did there. . . little play on words. . . I use "LEGO" the beloved children's toy brand instead of Let go. . .  Ha! BEAR-e funny right . . .  right! Hahaha, ok sorry. . . back to business.

once upon a time in the internet, there was a random image floating around of a Lego set featuring the Winchester Bar zombie attack scene from "Shuan of the DEAD!" This made me proclaim to the heavens above. . . "THIS IS AWESOME!!" The set was a prototype created by Pixel Fox and Yatkuu.

Well, Pixel Fox and Yatkuu did manage to get LEGO's attention and formally submitted their prototype play set for consideration to make it an Official set. Which would of been totally friggin' AWESOME to the 10th power. Unfortunately LEGO didn't see it that way as they were concern with the content of the movie not suitable or appropriate to their core audience of kids ages 6-11.

OK, the movie "Shuan of the DEAD" is violent, bloody, and shows zombies killing and eating people. . . but Star Wars, which by the way has some great LEGO set also (little pricey for my taste), has violence with laser blasters, light sabers, chopping off heads and hands, and annihilation planets from the universe. That's got to be as bad as the dead eating people right?

In related LEGO/Zombie news, Lego is releasing a new play set this summer  (June 2012) name Monster Fighters with has a number of different assortments including (you guessed it) Zombies! LEGO's Monster Fighters set-The Zombies

I don't think that this play set had anything to do with the "shot down" proposal of the Winchester Bar Set from the movie, but it is a little funny to me. As for the targeted core audience, I'm pretty sure a lot of the Star Wars play sets are bought by people much older then 11yr. Either way it the Winchester Bar zombie attack scene from "Shuan of the DEAD!" is an impressive set regardless if it's official or not.

Below are pics of the set. . . check it out, (cause sadly this set will never be. . .)

(Side note. . . I love the Lego hand in the logo of the movie! Ha-ha!)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Revenge of the sith again!! But animated, and in a subway

Be nice to old people in the subway, trolley, or bus... Hell any public transportation... They maybe sith lords!

One of the coolest things I've seen today... And the day just started too!! Muahahaha!!! Light Sabers are fun! :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tron: Uprising! (Me so exccited!!! ^_^)

As a fan of Tron the Grid has always been a sci-fi place of wonder to me, as enchanted forest are for geeks that like D&D and Pathfinder (and there is a different to D&D and Pathfinder. . .  I just don't know what it is since I like spending my time in the Grid).

Some quick cliff notes:
The grid is a digital world/operation system populated by humanoid beings known as programs created by users (us in our world). one of those programs was Tron. He is more or less a legendary program that fought to keep the Grid safe for programs. in Tron: Legacy we find that Tron was defeated.

OK, back to why I'm so excited . . . it’s a bit of a prequel thing but I’ll allow it since I do like seeing more Tron content (seriously lacking in my option). This June on Disney's XD will have a brand new animated series exploring the Grid with TRON: UPRISING! Woot!!! This series will explain a little more on Tron's back-story as well has how he was defeated, how that effected the Grid, who take up the mantel of protecting the Gird when Tron falls, and show the rebellion to reprogram their existent. "Before the Legecy, there was an Uprising!"



Monday, April 16, 2012

Tupac- Ghost in the Shell - thug life remix!

THIS IS AMAZING!!! It like “obi-wan Kenobi, your our only hope!” but more gangsta rap! Pour some for the homies, but don’t pour it on the holographic machine. . . that’s gonna be a bad look G!

Tupac's digital ghost performing at the Coachella music festival over the weekend


Friday, April 13, 2012

Zombie survival 101: know your area!

What if there was a zombie attack tomorrow, or in the next few hours? Are you prepared? Would you know what to do, or at least where to go? Well if you don't, have no fear. . . Non zombified Griz-geek is here to help! No, not with a shotgun. . . That's mine! And so is the food nd water! Nope, what I have for you is information! On where you are and where key places of interest are near you with this handily "MAP OF HE DEAD"!( Hahaha, ok so it's more like a re-skinned google map site, but check it, if you put in your location you it will tell ya all kinds of helpful stuff. Like the closest food place, gun shop, and even the cemetery (during zombie attacks, I think your suppose to avoid that place . . And hospitals! It's in the movies.) fun little site to go to and plan your escape to the mountains.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Is Catwoman cosplaying as Anne Hathaway?

Here are a few images of Anne Hathaway as Catwoman from the other super hyped up movie of this year (other then The Avengers), Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises that has been going around online today. Personally I like Anne Hathaway, O-m-G is she a hottie of sweetness, which is not the 1st thing that comes to mind when I see or think of Catwoman, ( its more like MmeeOoowww!! Ggrrrr baby Ggrrrr!) Ms. Hathaway looks more likes he is in a sexy halloween's custom in this shots rather then in Catwoman's suit. Just sayin' ... She's still pretty hot thou. Ain't mad at that @$$!!

Avengers, assemble. . . To take down another insurance claim!

Okay, we'll 1st off, I love commercials . . . I would rather work commercials these days nice there are a higher chance of me getting pure entertainment then on the shows most media chanelles at plugging. I didn't even know the kardashien show is this on. And why are there so many storage octchon shows? Have we really gotten so bored with developing stories that we prefer watching a collection of YouTube videos in a 30 min show? Really? Anyways that's a topic for another time. I just saw this commercial from Farmers Insurance with a Mavel's "The Avengers" movie tie in. . . Ok, out side from the obvious queation of why? This is pretty funny to me. I think it would of worked better if it was an X-men movie. . . As the video start with the sign of University of Farmers thing. But whatever. Still funny. . . 

Okay so what does the new Avengers movie have to do with farmers insurance??

HULK SMASH!! (ooh yea, that's right. . . )

Cap. Ace. . . "Damnit Hulk. . . well I ain't covering this my premiums are high enough!"

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

text, text, AAAHH BEAR!!!

In not that uncommon that wildlife decides to play us city folks a visit, but i don't think anyone was expecting a bear to drop on by to say "hell, friend!" more like "mmmmm you look tasty!" Well some unsuspecting person on his cell texting away apparently didn't get the bear's voice mail and was shocked (scared sh!tless) by the sight of this GIANT BEAST in front of him coming out of no where. All I'm saying is those newscasters in the safety of the their helicopter would probably be sh!ting bricks too if they were in front of a Bear, then again i laugh my ass off too so. . .  watch the video and join me in the laughing of scared people "when bears become ninjas and attack you on the streets", on Tru TV(not really on Tru TV . . . )

Also. . .  lesson learn. .  texting while walking will result to bear encounters! you have been warned!

Monday, April 9, 2012

\m/ SLAYER WINE \m/ - Classically Brutal!

I present to you, (heavy metal guitars ripping)
"Reign In Blood is a powerful dark buoyancy with spicy fattoner for a heavy and intense thrash metal feeling and works great with grilled meat and game." (quoted from
This brutal assault to your refined palate will have your tongue dancing around your mouth like it was in a mosh pit throwing elbows to the faces of those not metal enough to raise hell just to use the flames of the burning damn to cook up some BBQ... Mmmmm, Seal in the flavor with those lost and damn souls!

(Random facts)

From the 2nd of April you can order it in case of 6 from Systembolaget in Sweden. Order your Slayer wine here
Name: Slayer Reign in Blood Red Cabernet Sauvignon
Vintage: 2010
Product Code: 74527-09 (can only be ordered in case of 6)
Origin: California, USA
Type of wine: Red wine
Price sek: per bottle sek 119.00 (that's about 20 bucks a bottle)
Volume: 750 ml
Alcohol: 12,5%

O-M-G! anime nerdgasm from the late 80's. (Akira's Bike!)

In every geek's life there are a few things that are held as major turning points in their existence. For some it’s star wars, for others it's Pokemon cards and toys. for me there were 3 things that was introduce to me in the early 90's that forever shaped my views on anime and locked in the love of this genre in my big bear geeky heart. Those were, dragon ball (not just Z but all of it!), Ghost in the Shell (still my top favorite anime story lines), and Akira . . . so to my surprise when I saw these series of photos of Akira Bike masterfully replicated and functional. Instantly I wanted it! Red jump suit and all, size XXL please! This is quite far the coolest thing I’ve seen in a while. until I see that Tron Lightcycle again (Black and Orange!) 

Oh and if your curious on how much the owner of this awesomely cool-tastic bike cost. . . Masashi Teshima from Fukuoka, Japan spent seven years and ¥10 million (US$121,000) to make his anime cyberpunk dream motorcycle. Money well spent, good sir! So remember kids, anything is possible with some time, hard work, tons of disposable income, and thinking like an obsessed Japanese man. Dreams do come true.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Griz liked the movie trailer TED. . . cuz magical teddy bears do grow up! (thumbs up)

This movie looks hilarious! Who knew magical bears can be this bad ass and pimpin'! Grrr baby! GGRrrrr. . .  hahaha its like a movie about me! Ok, no not really! i don't sound like that guy from family guy. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Fan Flicks, I don't remember the video games like that?

This is one of the weirdest things I've seen today. . .  PAC-MAN: The Movie! Hahaha. it's a fan film but the special effect are pretty damn good! its like tron legacy, less Flynn and more PAC-MAN thou!?! 

It's far fetch and unrealistically cheesy, but its better then the Mega-Man fan flick. . .  just saying!

Both impressive in their own right. I like shiny bright lights! [O_O]

"Mmmm, cherries!"